Saturday, March 10 – Duke University’s Wilson Center

Are you a CrossFit or spin-class addict looking for something new? A swimmer, cyclist, or runner thinking about your first triathlon? Or maybe a veteran triathlete looking to get more out of your strokes and strides? Do you need a better nutrition plan for your next Ironman? Are you looking for new treatments for your aches and pains? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the inaugural North Carolina Multisport Expo and Conference is the event for you. 


The expo, which will be held on Saturday, March 10, at Duke University’s Wilson Center, is an idea whose time has come, organizers say. The event is modeled on similar expos across the U.S. “A group of us just decided that it was time for North Carolina to have an expo, too,” says JoAnna Younts, the expo’s director. JoAnna serves on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council for USA Triathlon (USAT), which has supported other expos in the region. She adds, “We are fortunate that USAT was willing to provide grant funding to support this.”  The Michael and Laura Brader-Araje Foundation also provided generous financial support for the youth and educational components of the expo. “The sport of triathlon is booming, and especially in North Carolina,” JoAnna says. She adds, “We have one of the largest concentrations of USAT members in the U.S., and we have a large concentration of multisport races. There is at least one triathlon, and usually three or four, every weekend from March through October somewhere in North Carolina. That’s pretty amazing.”


As the number of multisport opportunities has multiplied, so has the number of new participants. “And they are hungry for information – they want to know how to train, they are looking for coaches and they are buying new equipment,” says Greg Combs, a bike-fit expert in Southern Pines and a member of the organizing committee for the expo. As such, the expo provides a unique opportunity for multisport enthusiasts to see much of what North Carolina has to offer. The expo will feature more than 60 local and national exhibitors and speakers, including equipment and apparel retailers and manufacturers, coaches, physicians, race-production companies and nutritional products. There will be workshops on swim technique, Pilates and yoga for athletes, and ChiRunning, among other things, and speakers will address a variety of topics, from “Triathlon 101,” for beginners and youth, to performance enhancement, injury prevention, race nutrition, bike fit and VO2 testing.


Feel like your bike fit isn’t quite right? The expo will feature hands-on assistance from local bike-fit experts. Struggling with nagging injuries or muscle imbalances? Sports-medicine physicians and other sports-injury experts will be on hand to discuss new therapies and preventive techniques. Want to learn how to incorporate Pilates, CrossFit or yoga into your multisport training program? Certified instructors will show you key movements and exercises that can enhance your training. Need a triathlon coach? Several local coaches will be speaking and showcasing their services. Want to fill up your race calendar? North Carolina’s two largest race-production companies will be providing on-site race registration and race-entry giveaways. And if you want to buy the latest and greatest triathlon gear, North Carolina’s two largest multisport retailers and other vendors will have a full array of equipment and apparel to purchase.


Olympic medalist Sheila Taormina will headline the event as keynote speaker. Taormina is the only person to compete in four Olympics in three different sports: swimming, triathlon and modern pentathlon. She is an advocate of healthy bodies, good posture and strong minds, and she brings a “hard work” attitude that resonates with athletes of all ages. 


General admission to the expo is free. “There will be something for everyone, youth, beginners and multisport veterans alike. We have planned an event to serve our entire multisport community,” says JoAnna. For more information and registration, go to


North Carolina Multisport Expo

When: March 10, 2012


Where: Duke University’s Wilson Center

Keynote speaker:  Sheila Taormina

Sponsors: USAT, Michael & Laura Brader-Araje Foundation, Set Up Events, Velo Smart Bike Fit Expert™, Pro Sport Graphics™

Selected speaker topics:

      • “Triathlon 101” – Triathlon basics for beginners and youth
      • “Rules of the Game” – Taught by USAT-certified officials
      • Functional movement
      • Performance enhancement and injury prevention
      • VO2 Max testing and benefits
      • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and other orthopedic regenerative procedures
      • Art and science of bike fitting
      • Sports nutrition


      • Swim workshop taught by Olympic swimmer Sheila Taormina
      • Total immersion 
      • ChiRunning
      • Pilates for endurance athletes
      • Yoga for athletes
      • CrossFit endurance

Selected speakers and workshops designed for youth and juniors:

      • Triathlon 101
      • Transitions
      • Healthy eating for multisport
      • Swim technique

For more information please visit: