
I love this time of year! Spring is always an exciting time of year not just because of the warming weather but, also because this is the time of year shoe companies start to release updates to current model shoes and debut their new models. What new trends and technologies will hit the shelves and stick this year? Will the “less is more” approach continue to be the dominating trend? Check out our Spring Shoe Review Guide to find out!

For me, I have to admit that a large part of my reason to run is the gear. I’ve been running long enough to remember cotton shirts in the pre-wicking materials days of running so, new designs and technologies in clothing and shoes continue to inspire me. But, that’s me. What inspires you? Is running simply in your soul? Did you start under doctor’s orders or did you start to maintain your sanity? For many, it comes down to helping others by supporting the many different causes running events support. Whatever your reason for running, Endurance Magazine wants to know! Share YOUR reason with us and inspire others or maybe just offer readers a glimpse of the runner’s slice of life through as experienced by you. So, tell us… What is your Reason to Run? We will publish selected stories in a future edition of Endurance Magazine as well as our blog and Facebook Page in our Reasons to Run Issue. You are an important part of our reason to publish Endurance Magazine! So, please send your story and any picture(s) you would like to share to Stories@EnduranceMag.com.

For many of us, our reason to run has been challenged at times by injury. As a result, we may have taken to yoga or cycling or other non-running activities on our journey back from recovery. But, it doesn’t always have to be that way. You can still get your run on without pounding the pavement. In his article “Water, Water Everywhere. Why You Should Run Your Laps in the Pool!” Matthew Schultheis, PT, DPT, talks about the benefits of aqua running, which can help runners before they get injured. When aqua jogging, your feet don’t actually touch the bottom of the pool, so it is zero impact and safe for almost any type of injury.

Of course, there are many other ways to help stave of injury. One thing that should always be at the top of your list is gait analysis. Our friends at Carolinas Healthcare share their insights on the importance of understanding how you run. Be sure to read their article “Up Your Running Game with a Gait Analysis.”  After all, for about the cost of a pair of high-end running shoes, you can get a professional gait analysis that will help you run better than ever before.

Women will definitely want to read Carolina Camaro’s article “She Runs” for advice on improving or strengthening their form while running. There’s no question that being a female runner brings a very unique set of challenges to the table. With notable differences in anatomical structure like biomechanics, strength and flexibility women may be at greater risk for injury. Check out Camaro’s article to see what you can do about it!

Former Endurance Magazine Sales Director, Casey Saussy, makes a return appearance this month as a writer. Saussy shares an inspiring story about a Carborro, NC, woman who is changing lives all over the world by bringing an affordable treatment to clubfoot in developing countries. Clubfoot affects about 200,000 children each year. It is a birth defect that causes one or both feet to turn inwards and upwards, which makes it difficult if not impossible to walk properly, let alone run or ride a bike. Living with a disability is difficult anywhere, but in developing countries it is devastating. Be sure to read our cover story “Running Down Clubfoot” to see how one woman is making a difference.