The Sumo Deadlift High Pull for Increased Strength and Stamina

By Greg Ryan – CrossFit Durham 

The Sumo Deadlift High Pull is an excellent way for athletes to develop both strength and stamina in a single movement.  The movement trains the upper and lower body simultaneously.  What’s more, the exercise is versatile enough to be performed with a barbell, kettlebell or dumbbell.

The starting position is referred to as the “angry gorilla” due the starting posture resembling a wild silverback.  The feet are wide, the chest is high, the butt is low and the arms/hands are placed inside the knees while assuming a narrow grip on the kettlebell.

The athlete stands up while maintaining tension in the core ensuring the back remains stable.  Once standing, the athlete fully opens his hips, stands complete straight and keeps the shoulders back.

Without pausing, the athlete shrugs his shoulders and begins pulling the weight up with the elbows leading the way.  At the top the weight is under the chin and the elbows are high.  Return the weight to the starting position by bringing the weight back to the waist, push back the hips and bend the knees while lowering the weight to the floor.  It is critical to maintain proper back posture throughout the entire range of motion with special emphasis on technique while lowering the weight.

Athletes new to the Sumo Deadlift High Pull should begin with light weight and focus on technique.  This is a compound movement and works multiple muscle groups simultaneously while eliciting improvements in strength and stamina.

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Greg Ryan is the owner of CrossFit Durham.  He is an avid ultra-distance runner and discovered the benefits of CrossFit while training for ultra-endurance events.  He recently completed the Grindstone 100 miler by incorporating CrossFit methods into his training program.  He can be contacted at (919) 314-7655 or