Meeting The Third Man


By Dana Maccorquodale I have a secret. On my first 30 mile run, in the sweltering heat of White House, TN, I had an encounter with the “Third Man”. It not only changed my view of training and racing, but it changed my life bringing me peace, joy and

Steep Canyon 50K Ultramarathon & Relay Hullabaloo | September 7 (Thursday) | Black Mountain, NC


Charles R. Humphrey, III, bass player of Steep Canyon Rangers and ultra runner, is a co-director and sponsor of Steep Canyon 50K Ultramarathon & Relay Hullabaloo, which kicks off the Mountain Song Festival Weekend. The Mountain Song Festival is a Friday to Sunday music festival in Brevard, NC, hosted

QuintilesIMS Bull City Race Fest and Food Truck Rodeo: Is it about the RUN? or the FUN?

2017-09-27T09:27:57-04:00Event Showcase|

It’s not “Just a Half Marathon”... It’s a FESTIVAL!!! The QuintilesIMS Bull City Race Fest and Food Truck Rodeo starts out like most races. You line up with 5,000 of your closest friends and start running when the gun goes off. But that’s where things take a different turn

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