RUNNING – Why We Run


By Joscelyne Hauserman Running is tough. It can be both physically and mentally grueling, especially if you live in the south during the summer months. If you’re not daunted by the idea of running in the blazing hot sun, I’m sure the sticky southern humidity has left you questioning

Three Things


SuperSeedz Pumpkin seeds are a protein powerhouse and one of the most complete sources of plant-based protein available. Gluten free, peanut free, tree nut free, egg free, dairy free, fish free, shellfish free and soy free, these seeds are also a good vegetarian source of zinc, an essential trace

EVENT PREVIEW – Historic Hillsborough Half Marathon and Fleet Feet 5K | October 2 | Hillsborough, NC


By Martin Wileman For many, running is something they do, for others it’s a part of who they are. Hillsborough is home to two such individuals. Elementary school PE teacher, Russell Westbrook, has been teaching for over 20 years. His passion for the sport is evident in the way

SUSTAINABILITY OF YOU – Myofascial Decompression: Not Just For Olympians

2016-09-05T20:33:22-04:00Sustainability of You|

By Brian Diaz Many of you watched the Olympics last month and couldn’t help but notice the discolored circles that were showing up on the world’s best swimmers. Their shoulders, back, and chest covered like alien marks all over their body. These marks, although painful looking, are actually helpful

WELLNESS – Up and Running

2016-09-01T09:41:33-04:00Sustainability of You|

By Olivia Shelton Without running, I never would have survived the stressful period of my life known as “graduate school.” I looked forward to the long miles where I dumped the tension accumulating from papers, practical exams, and presentations. Over days, weeks, and years of logging miles, some injuries

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