SUSTAINABILITY OF YOU – Energy Balance for Maintaining Good Health

2016-06-03T17:39:36-04:00Injury Prevention, Sustainability of You|

By Bill Kraus In last month’s article we discussed the importance of maintaining a good circadian rhythm to maintain optimal health. Another good health habit is maintaining a balance between energy expenditure and energy intake. Maintaining energy balance will help in maintaining a healthy weight; but, it also has

Proving Legal Damages After a Bike-Car Wreck


By Thomas Henson Jr. It’s inevitable: If you ride enough miles, you will eventually witness or be a victim of a collision with a car or truck. Each year in the United States, about 50,000 cyclists end up in hospital emergency rooms after a motor vehicle crash. In my

3 Things


Magne Sport Balm  Often referred to as “the miracle mineral,” magnesium has been touted by many health experts as the single most important nutrient for human health. Yet it’s estimated that a nearly 68 percent of Americans are deficient. While there are many ways to get more magnesium in your diet

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