NUTRITION – The Best Sports Drink


By Chris Newport Now you’ve got to be wondering… does the PERFECT sports drink exist? Since everyone's sweat rate, genetics, athletic demands, heat acclimatization, and medical conditions vary, the perfect sports drink is very individualized. While your training partner may have success with one drink, it may not be

Three Things


New Balance Fresh Foam 1080 To get the maximum benefit from your run, put more in. More comfort to cruise along for miles without stopping. The all-new Fresh Foam 1080 cushioned running shoe for men delivers more of what your run needs. With their most generous Fresh Foam midsole

EVENT PREVIEW – Endurance Symposium Richmond | January 23, 2016


A day of motivation and education for endurance athletes, coaches, outdoor enthusiasts, and healthcare professionals with presentations from international, national and local speakers addressing the unique concerns of endurance athletes and providing knowledge to gain a competitive edge for sport and life. Vendors and sponsors will be available to interact

EVENT PREVIEW – Mud in Your Eye XC Series | Chesapeake, Norfolk & Virginia Beach | Starting January 9


The 9th Annual Mud in Your Eye Cross Country Series is a Chronotrack-timed three-race cross country series. Each event is held at a classic cross country venues beginning with the first event at Bells Mill Park in Chesapeake on January 9th. The second event is held at Mt. Trashmore

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