NUTRITION – Green Soup


By Brandon McDearis Each year the craze for green drinks, smoothies and juices seems to get ever more popular. There is no denying the health benefits of adding more green vegetables to the diet in the form of these smoothies/juices. However, there are other ways to consume these nutrients

CORE CORNER – Dumbbell Pullover in Bridge on Stability Ball

2015-03-01T19:25:50-05:00Core Corner, Sustainability of You|

By Elizabeth Towe This is an easy go-to exercise for upper body strengthening. It is multi-tasking and challenges core and hip stability. The main objective is creating strength and mobility with shoulders and arms while maintaining stable hips and torso on the stability ball. Exercise: Start in seated position

EVENT PREVIEW – Culpeper Triathlon & Gran Fondo | August 1-2 | Culpeper, VA


Epic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, pastoral farmland and quiet roads await athletes in the Culpeper Triathlon and Gran Fondo.  Culpeper is sixty minutes from Washington, DC and a short 3.5 hour drive from Raleigh-Durham. Nestled at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Culpeper Triathlon offers

EVENT PREVIEW – Jamestown Triathlon & Gran Fondo | June 6-7 | Williamsburg, VA


Ride, race and explore America’s Historic Triangle where beautiful scenery and fast, flat courses await you at the Jamestown Triathlon and Gran Fondo.  Starting and finishing at Jamestown Beach in Williamsburg, VA the Jamestown Triathlon and Gran Fondo are a short 3.5 hour drive from Raleigh-Durham. Each year, athletes

EVENT PREVIEW – Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K | March 28 | Richmond, VA


Often named one of the best races in the country, Richmond’s Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K Presented by Martin’s will take place March 28th.  This beautiful and flat course boasts more than 36,000 runners, Spirit Groups, live music and a kids’ race.  Throw in an awesome post-race party and you’ve got yourself

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