Richmond Endurance Athlete Symposium & Expo | January 24th | Richmond, VA

2019-03-09T12:28:49-05:00Events, Triathlon|

Enabling you to experience the life you love -  Richmond Endurance Athlete Symposium and Expo is showcasing their commitment to YOU and all that you strive to achieve. In addition to showcase speakers Cristian Vande Velde and Andy Potts, this special event offers 10 USAT and 5 USA Cycling CEU credits.    

FEATURE – We Did It!


There is a story behind every first triathlon.  Yes, there are some good stories about standing on the edge of the pool or on the shore of a lake or other body of water wondering how in the world you arrived at this moment when suddenly the starting gun

CYCLING – Carolina Brewing Company Honored by the National MS Society


Greg Shuck and Bob Oderkirk accepting Team CBC’s Circle of Distinction Award at the 2015 National MS Society’s Leadership Conference. From left to right: National Board Chair, Eli Rubenstein; Co-Owner of Carolina Brewing Company, Greg Shuck; Team Captain of Team CBC, Bob Oderkirk; and National MS Society President &

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