Editor’s Note + Covers

New Life

2019-03-08T15:30:32-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

This summer my 5-year-old daughter learned how to body surf. And although I proudly take credit for helping her fine-tune her technique (i.e. diving for the shore versus toward the sea), she took this activity on all by herself. As she had stood in the shallow surf, getting more

$elf Esteem

2019-03-08T15:30:34-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

Self-esteem is not for sale. You can’t buy it. But you can cultivate it – from within yourself, through personal experience. There are a lot of opportunities to buy products and services that make you feel better today – and, believe me, I am an avid consumer of many


2019-03-08T15:30:36-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

How many choices do you think you make on a given day? 10? 20? How about 98? (Assuming you get eight hours of zzz’s, that’s like six an hour – at least one every ten minutes.) I counted the other day and was amazed at the number of times

Practice Time Is OVER!

2019-03-08T15:30:38-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

Recently, one of our most loyal readers asked me how she could get on the cover of Endurance Magazine. Not that there’s much of a science to it, but I told her that the only real criteria was that she needed to embrace the “Endurance Lifestyle”. She was a

The Power of Attraction

2019-03-08T15:30:41-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

There's been a lot in the media lately about 'attraction' and how you have the power to deliver to yourself anything you desire. It's a tough concept to swallow. Especially when there's seemingly more and more to think about, never-ending decisions to be made, and, as you get older

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