Editor’s Note + Covers

PUBLISHER NOTE – Purpose Versus Passion

2019-03-09T08:51:10-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

  By Steve Lackey   Angst about whether to navigate life toward a responsible purpose, or to pursue all you can be (aka following your dreams) seems to be an increasingly pervasive human condition. The idea that you must choose one at the cost of the other often results


2019-03-08T15:35:15-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

In his book It's Not About the Bike Lance Armstrong wrote about his post-cancer ride up North Carolina's Beech Mountain, a crucial stage in his two Tour du Pont victories.  As he neared the summit, the words Go Armstrong in faded paint still visible from the old race, passed

December Issue of Endurance Magazine

2019-03-08T15:42:09-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

  I may not need the Helium 2 Fuel Belt or custom Oakley's Terenzo Bozzone (cover) wore on his record-breaking assault on the Clearwater 70.3 Ironman in early November, but I certainly want them.  Marketing gurus have long since realized that celebrity status sells products.  So, reading about the

Positive Consciousness

2019-03-08T15:51:18-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

A few  months ago I wrote about swimming an entire 60 minute workout without goggles - just opened my eyes in the pool and embraced the freedom of  swimming without goggles - until I got out and realized the chlorine had melted away half of my contact lenses (not


2019-03-08T15:45:57-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

Welcome to year SIX of Endurance Magazine!After five full years, 60 issues, of cultivating a growing community of purposefully living fitness enthusiasts, we are thrilled to look ahead at all we have to do over the next five. It's what inspires us to do what we do. Over the

Hot Date!

2019-03-08T14:18:33-05:00Editor's Note + Covers, Lifestyle|

I just had the best date. Not only was my date beautiful, intelligent, funny, and perpetually interesting, but I actually had the ability to really listen to her – to internalize not only what she was saying, but how she was feeling – and considering I really like this

Empowerment Redefined

2019-03-08T15:46:12-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

  A few months ago, after being drained by repetitive pleas from my 6 1/2 year old daughter to get a new pet, I finally told her that she could get one after she ran, and finished, her first 5K race. Knowing that she had never run more than

Making Time

2019-03-08T15:30:29-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

Just like everyone else, I am swamped. All the time. And squeezing in time to train for upcoming races has been getting tricky lately. Earlier this month, I had a limited window to get in a long swim and then a quick bike ride. I didn’t really have much

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