Core Corner

CORE CORNER – Plank with Alternating Hip Extension

2013-06-05T15:13:34-04:00Core Corner|

By Elizabeth Towe Objective:    The plank is always an overall great core exercise. It asks support from the shoulder girdle as well as the musculature of the hips and torso. By adding alternating hip extension there is more load on the shoulders and the front of the hip.

CORE CORNER – Shoulder Press with Torso Rotation

2013-06-05T15:37:56-04:00Core Corner|

By Elizabeth Towe Objective:   Shoulder press with torso rotation will improve rotation between the upper and lower body for running efficiency and encourage rotation throughout the entire column of the spine. The other benefits include improved single-leg balance and stability.   Exercise: Begin in a staggered stance with

CORE CORNER – Dipping Bird

2013-06-05T15:56:22-04:00Core Corner|

By Elizabeth Towe Objective:  The Dipping Bird is a great strengthening and stabilization exercise for lumbo pelvic hip complex, our source for hip power and stability. Core control and the ability to find and maintain neutral spine are important parts of this exercise.   Exercise: Start by holding a

CORE CORNER – Rear Lunge with Torso Rotation

2013-06-05T16:17:57-04:00Core Corner|

  By Elizabeth Towe   Objective: In the spirit of the new year, new beginnings and this “Best Of” issue, I go to one of my favorite multi-joint, multitasking exercises, the rear lunge with single leg balance and rotation. This exercise improves the power and stability of the stance

CORE CORNER – Full Curl Up on Foam Roller

2013-06-05T16:48:01-04:00Core Corner|

Objective: We are exploring the recruitment of the core musculature for stabilizing the spine and pelvis. Last month we were back to the basics of core integration. This month we will begin exploring subtle imbalances of strength, flexibility or both side to side in the core musculature, using the

CORE CORNER – Single Leg Balance on a Roller

2013-06-05T16:59:43-04:00Core Corner|

By Elizabeth Towe Objective:    We are going back to basics of core integration. Think of the core as any of the muscles that help stabilize and support the spine, hip joint and pelvis.  This exercise reinforces spinal alignment and core control of the hips and pelvis.    

CORE CORNER – Overhead Cable/Tubing Elbow Extension

2013-06-05T17:29:32-04:00Core Corner|

Core Corner - Overhead Cable/Tubing Elbow Extension By Elizabeth Towe   Objective: Core stabilization. This is an excellent example of how a common exercise can be adjusted to focus on stabilizing the body and thereby become a “core” exercise to support the spine and enable more drive from the

CORE CORNER – Reverse Curl

2013-06-05T21:00:48-04:00Core Corner|

  Core Corner - Reverse Curl By Elizabeth Towe   Objective & Application This exercise will strengthen the upper and lower abdominal muscles as well as the hip flexors, which are the foundation of support for all endurance athletes. Weaknesses in these muscle groups can lead to overuse injuries

CORE CORNER – Plank with Knee to Elbow

2013-06-04T19:18:13-04:00Core Corner|

Core Corner - Plank with Knee to Elbow By Elizabeth Towe   Objectives:  Integrating hip strength and mobility with core stability and upper extremity strength.   Application:  This movement will improve your running stability while in single leg stance.  It is also improves pelvic stability against rotational forces in

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