Core Corner

CORE CORNER – Dynamic Plank to Star

2019-03-08T20:27:55-05:00Core Corner|

Core Corner - Dynamic Plank to Star By Elizabeth Towe   Objective:  This exercise develops the coordination of scapular (shoulder blades), glenohumeral (shoulder joint) and torso stability.  The benefit of this is translated through the shoulder and torso in running and swimming and through the hips for running.  

CORE CORNER – Quadruped on Stability Ball

2019-03-08T20:28:10-05:00Core Corner|

  Core Corner - Quadruped on Stability Ball By Elizabeth Towe   Objectives:   Quadruped will refine your ability to find your center, so that you can hold core stability and balance in any activity.  It is a great dynamic warm up for any exercise or activity and allows

CORE CORNER – Foundational Shoulder Stability-Prone “T”

2019-03-08T20:27:58-05:00Core Corner|

Core Corner - Foundational Shoulder Stability-Prone “T”  By Elizabeth Towe   Objective: To prevent injury to the shoulder joint by strengthening postural muscles that hold the shoulder in a neutral position—unwinding rounded shoulder posture.  This also helps create spinal strength, stability and holding an upright posture in running.  

CORE CORNER – Oblique Reaches with Stability Ball

2019-03-08T20:28:03-05:00Core Corner|

By Elizabeth Towe   Objective: Rotate the shoulders and torso without causing a shift in the pelvis and legs. This will help hold good upright posture when running. In swimming, this helps hold stable posture as you reach with hand to enter the water.   Exercise: Begin by lying

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