
Recovery Starts Now


By Norah Whitten | With the summer coming to an end and the intense heat (hopefully) subsiding soon it’s time for many to start full swing into fall training. With increases in training volume comes the increase likelihood for injury if not properly training and recovering.

9 Steps to Surviving an Injury


By Rob Schneider | January 1 came and went with a New Years resolution to run more events this year, maybe a triathlon or even a marathon. Now you are 8 to 10 weeks into your training and an injury is upon you. Here is a 10-step plan to insure that you stay on track and end up where you want.

3 Off-Season Recovery Tips


By Norah Whitten It’s hard to believe winter is upon us again. We know that this time of year is a great time to up the strength training and mobility work. However, there are other, less talked about, aspects of training that deserve some attention. There are three areas

Cryotherapy: Then and Now


By Brian Diaz Starting as early as the 1970s, physiologists have studied the effects of applying ice to the body after exercise for various benefits including, but not limited, to anti-inflammation, pain reduction, muscular strength gains, and anti-fatigue. Applying ice packs to body parts and, in some cases, fully

Foam Rollers

2019-02-22T20:44:26-05:00Gear, Wellness|

SPRI Soft Foam Roller Good for first-time foam rollers and those looking for a more relaxing and rejuvenating (and less painful) rolling experience. This is ideal for a gentle stretch and self-mobilization of joints and spine. More Info: SPRI.com SKLZ Barrel Roller A firm roller is ideal for athletes

Listen To Your Heart…And Reason


By Norah Cetin | Heart Rate Variability, or HRV, is the time between heart beats as measured in milliseconds. Contrary to resting heart rate, where lower is usually better, a higher variability between heart beats is actually more indicative of better fitness and ability to recover from strenuous exercise.

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